Find the right patients for your practice.

Targeted Mailing Lists

Reach Out to New Patients

We want you to TAKE AIM!  Hitting your prospective patient is more than just designing a great card and offering a special.  Analyzing your area demographic area and creating targeted mailing lists are two of our primary strategies.

Dental Marketing by Digital Print Marketing won’t just design, print, deliver, and track your mailer success. We will do extensive preparatory research and provide a comprehensive demographic analysis and map of your target audience.

Using our proprietary software in conjunction with feedback from you on what type of new dental patients you want to attract, Dental Marketing creates a targeted mailing list and demographic report of the area surrounding the practice. This data can help us adjust your design and marketing offers on the card so we can target the right patients. The demographic report can also help identify potential barriers and opportunities that may impact the success of your direct mail campaign.

Do you want know more about targeting the right patients with targeted mailing lists? Request a free demographic report below! 

Market for your customers, not for yourself. In light of the statistical data and details of your area, you will realize what interests and intrigues your target group of potential new patients.

Effectively determining your target audience and focusing your marketing campaigns on them is a crucial phase in building a fruitful patient-dentist relationship.

Contact Our Dental Consultants today to get your target in place and start hitting the mark! 

Focused demographics and mailing lists mean higher success rates. Some practices just drop the postcards in the mail, but if you don’t target the right people, you won’t get the right patients. So where and who do you target?   Visit our blog post on this topic:  Take Aim!  The Importance of Hitting Your Target Prospective Patient.

Request a Free Consultation


Customized, effective dental postcard design.


Premium quality dental postcard marketing.

Mailing List

AIM: Analyze, Target, Achieve Results!


Efficient, tracked dental postcard delivery.

Call Tracking

Customized, effective dental postcard design.

Call Scoring

Dental call scoring improves conversions


Customized, effective dental postcard design.

Marketing Team

Premium quality dental postcard marketing.

Staff Coaching

Training enhances dental staff efficiency.