Advanced Tips to Advertising Your Dental Practice on Facebook

Are you successfully reaching your dental practice audience through Facebook? Chances are, your posts aren’t reaching as many people as they used to. Many business owners are scratching their heads about how to retrieve the reach they once had. Because of recent updates to Facebook, the usual posts on your page will only reach an […]
Selling the Value of Dentistry

It’s one of the longest-standing debates in the dental industry: is it unprofessional to sell dentistry? Traditional schools of thought in the industry tend to cast a negative light on selling dental services, similar to the reputation that used car salesmen always get for convincing customers to purchase something that perhaps looks or seems better […]
Marketing Your Dental Practice through Every Stage

The life cycle of marketing your dental practice can be categorized into one of the following phases: establishment, growth, maturity, and post-maturity. Post-maturity can then be broken down to renewal, steady state, or decline. While many of you know the exact life cycle phase of your business, do you know what that phase requires in […]