Your 2024 Dental Marketing Goals: Planning for Achievement

dental marketing plan

2024 Dental Marketing Plans It’s time to start thinking and planning ahead! Did you begin the 2023 New Year simply thankful you made it through 2022, or did you go in with a pretty organized marketing plan for your dental practice? Now that we are a few months from 2024,  do you still have your […]

4 Essentials in Your 2023 Marketing Mix

marketing essentials

Every business has the moment of realization that the quote “If you build it, they will come” is definitely not reality—especially in terms of gaining and retaining new dental clients. Having and running a dental practice is not enough in today’s competitive dental market.  You must see yourself both as a marketer and as a […]

How to Maintain or Create a Dental Blog

creating a dental blog

Creating a dental blog for your practice is one of the most cost-effective ways to bring traffic to your website, get return visitors, establish yourself as an expert, and be shown in Google search results more often.  The goal is to gain more exposure while educating your visitors and turning those individuals into new patients. […]

Elevate Your Dental Marketing: Your Practice Gets New Patients

dental marketing

Direct mail is a dental marketing strategy that involves sending a postcard to your prospects and current patients — used by many both business-to-consumer and business-to-business selling strategies.  This marketing strategy has been around for years in the dental marketing space and still is a must-have in your dental marketing strategy. Before any dentist starts a […]

Facebook for Dentists: 8 Effective Post Ideas to Attract More Patients

facebook for dentists

Want to leverage Facebook to promote your dental practice? Or you’ve been on Facebook for a while now but don’t have ideas to engage your audience? In either case, you can use these 8 Facebook for dentists-themed post ideas to attract new followers, engage the existing ones, and enhance your brand’s identity and online visibility. […]

5 Tools to Help With Your Dental Practice Marketing

dental practice marketing

Success is so sweet you can taste it. That’s what every dental practice hopes for. Establishing a practice full of loyal patients who also refer their friends and family to you not only improves your bottom line, but it gives you more time to actually enjoy your success — as you won’t have to spend […]

The 6 Absolute Must-Do’s Before Doing Any Marketing: Design Edition

Marketing Design

A professional-looking design can set you apart from your competitors when sending out direct mail marketing. We’ve compiled the most crucial aspects for creating the best marketing design pieces to attract prospective patients. Obtain a hi-res logo and any awards or recognition you or your office may have earned. Show off who you are and […]

Advanced Tips to Advertising Your Dental Practice on Facebook

Dental Practice on Facebook

Are you successfully reaching your dental practice audience through Facebook? Chances are, your posts aren’t reaching as many people as they used to. Many business owners are scratching their heads about how to retrieve the reach they once had. Because of recent updates to Facebook, the usual posts on your page will only reach an […]