How to Maintain or Create a Dental Blog

Creating a dental blog for your practice is one of the most cost-effective ways to bring traffic to your website, get return visitors, establish yourself as an expert, and be shown in Google search results more often. The goal is to gain more exposure while educating your visitors and turning those individuals into new patients. […]
How Your Online Profile Could Eliminate Dental Appointment Cancellations and No-Shows

Why are your dental patients cancelling their appointments frequently or just deciding not to show up? Is it because of your online profile? A question every dentist should be asking themselves regularly. However, we understand that this very question can be, at times, nearly impossible to answer. Not only is this an inconvenience for you […]
Dental Marketing’s Guide to Responding to Online Patient’s Reviews

Part 1: Dental Marketing’s Guide to Responding to Negative Patient’s Reviews Surprisingly, we still observe many dentists and dental practice managers who don’t respond to their online reviews. Why? Responding to all patient reviews, good or bad, is an excellent opportunity for you to engage with your customers and at times, even help you turn […]
Facebook for Dentists: 8 Effective Post Ideas to Attract More Patients

Want to leverage Facebook to promote your dental practice? Or you’ve been on Facebook for a while now but don’t have ideas to engage your audience? In either case, you can use these 8 Facebook for dentists-themed post ideas to attract new followers, engage the existing ones, and enhance your brand’s identity and online visibility. […]
How to Rebrand Your Dental Practice

There are a few different reasons why you might be looking into rebranding your dental practice. While it’s not impossible to do, it does take a lot of planning and strategy to make sure it’s effective. First, let’s take a look at why a dental practice may need to be rebranded. You have an […]
5 Tools to Help With Your Dental Practice Marketing

Success is so sweet you can taste it. That’s what every dental practice hopes for. Establishing a practice full of loyal patients who also refer their friends and family to you not only improves your bottom line, but it gives you more time to actually enjoy your success — as you won’t have to spend […]
Build Your Brand in the Community – Dental Marketing Ideas

As a dentist, making a name for yourself and your practice is a career-long commitment. Customer service, staying on the cutting edge of technology, honing your dental skills, and dental marketing are all intricate parts of the process. While dental direct mailing, promotions, and customer service are beneficial and central to your branding success, you can […]
5 Things That Will Make or Break A Lead

Dental practice marketing is a game of leads. Those who show interest and need dental services should be taken care of. Equipping yourself and your staff with the following knowledge will enable you to project, plan, and implement best practices actively. Handling Missed Calls Your office receives up to 80% of incoming business via telephone. […]
The 6 Absolute Must-Do’s Before Doing Any Marketing: Design Edition

A professional-looking design can set you apart from your competitors when sending out direct mail marketing. We’ve compiled the most crucial aspects for creating the best marketing design pieces to attract prospective patients. Obtain a hi-res logo and any awards or recognition you or your office may have earned. Show off who you are and […]
Basic SEO Tips to Optimize Your Dental Practice Website

Even though SEO is only three letters, many business owners consider it to be a 4-letter word. And it’s no wonder! SEO can be uber complicated but is completely necessary to your practice’s success. If you want to bring in traffic to your dental website, you have to make your site easier to find in […]