Selling the Value of Dentistry

It’s one of the longest-standing debates in the dental industry: is it unprofessional to sell dentistry? Traditional schools of thought in the industry tend to cast a negative light on selling dental services, similar to the reputation that used car salesmen always get for convincing customers to purchase something that perhaps looks or seems better […]
Why Office Culture Is Important for a Successful Dental Practice

In the corporate world, office culture is an important element of a successful business. This is especially the case for modern startup businesses that want to attract and retain a certain type of employee. While office culture gets a lot of attention in the corporate world, oftentimes in the dental industry it’s not emphasized enough […]
How Much Should You Be Spending on Dental Marketing?

This is a question that every dentist probably asks either themselves or a professional at several points throughout their career. Every practice is different, with different levels of profitability, patient demographics, and more. While there’s no specific right or wrong answer to this question in terms of dollar figures, there are some general guidelines and […]
Changes to Google’s Local Search: What You Need to Know

Google has once again changed the format of its local search results, and there are some important factors you’ll want to know about as you continue to market your dental practice to a local online audience. For the past few years, Google displayed local results in what was referred to as the 7-pack. Essentially, this […]
How Creature Comforts Can Boost Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing

“Oh, I just love my dentist!” Wouldn’t it be great if all of your patients had the same reaction when the topic of dental offices comes up in their casual conversations? Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways to gain new patients—those who are referred by friends, family, or co-workers are much more likely […]
Marketing Your Dental Practice through Every Stage

The life cycle of marketing your dental practice can be categorized into one of the following phases: establishment, growth, maturity, and post-maturity. Post-maturity can then be broken down to renewal, steady state, or decline. While many of you know the exact life cycle phase of your business, do you know what that phase requires in […]